Multi Level Test Package
MLT (Multi Level Test Package) is a package for testing system level designs, whose processing elements are described using basic hardware structures implemented in C++, and communications are SystemC TLM channels or interfaces. C++ enhanced gate level processing elements and communication channels are being tested using C++ test applications.
General Features:
- MLT Environment
- Includes libraries of
- Test-enhanced C++ gate level library
- Configurable C++ RTL library
- Test-enhanced C++ gate level communication channels library
- Contains C++ test applications for Fault collapsing, Fault injection,
- Fault removal, and Fault simulation
- MLT Test Methodology
- Testing PEs by implementing the desired part with test-enhanced gate level library
- Testing communications by substituting TLM channels with test-enhanced C++ gate level communication library
Contact Info:
- Somayeh Sadeghi-Kohan: